The Power of Print

Many people who hear the word ‘print’ tend to think of paper. Lots and lots of paper.

In today’s technology-obsessed world, there may be a perception that print is in some way old-fashioned, uncool or simply not that necessary.

Call us biased but this is absolutely not the case. In our humble opinion, print has never been so creative or versatile. This explains its enduring popularity in the face of online opposition.

Marketing materials

We know all too well that you can make your marketing materials available as PDFs (and we actively encourage this in many cases). However, you can’t carry a PDF home from an exhibition. Hard-copy brochures, newsletters, datasheets and business cards provide a lasting reminder of who you are and what you do. Choose your paper or card stock correctly (we can help with that) and you can also make a statement about the quality of your brand and products.

Be event ready

Modern printing devices are a godsend to event organisers everywhere. Pop-up displays and roller banner stands can be produced with shorter timescales than ever before. Pre-event promotion is easily taken care of with posters and banners specially produced for indoor and outdoor use, if required. More exclusive events might demand personalised VIP wrist bands or branded visitor passes. Today’s digital print technology has all of those covered.

Perfect partners

Neither online or offline communications will cover all your promotional activities on their own. This is why they should work well together. One such example is the integration of augmented reality concepts in print materials. With the swipe of a smartphone, your customer can be taken direct from your offline world into your online one. How’s that for joined up thinking?

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