How to pack a punch with your post-lockdown marketing

Anxious about the future of your business? We’re all right there with you.

But there will be an end to this. And whilst no-one knows what it’ll look like, one thing you can be sure of is you’ll want to market like mad. Your sales team will need to be up-to-speed, engaged and, above all, confident in their tools.

The sure-fire way to make that happen? Make your marketing work harder – don’t ignore it. Evaluate your material. Plan ahead. Be ready.

Not sure where to start?

Follow our tried-and-tested (we’ve been doing this for more than 30 years, don’t cha know!) steps to success…

Step 1 – Sort your strategy

Use this time to get in position for capitalising on the inevitable surge of activity when restrictions lift.

In other words, think about the following:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • How will you get there?
  • How will you reach clients and prospects?
  • And how will you make sure they remember you?

Now, are your answers reflected in your current marketing strategy and material? Given we’re going to be facing a new normal, it’s unlikely you’ll see a perfect alignment here. So, time for…

Step 2 – What’s not working?

Are your marketing packs so last decade? Imagery no longer relevant? Or have you a new offering due to the current situation and need to shout about it?

Whether it’s time for a gentle refresh or a total overhaul, do your housekeeping and check what’s out-of-date (whether you’ve moved location, hired new staff or changed your logo, make sure your marketing materials reflect this) and ensure your messages and visuals are consistent everywhere.

Step 3 – Upgrade your business

As lockdown eases, the battle for business will build. So, take advantage of this head start.

If you’ve always wondered about bringing your brochure (you know, the one you tell your sales staff “does what it says on the tin”) into the 21st century but never got round to it or thought about tailoring your one-size-fits-all offering to sector-specific niches but winced at the work involved, do it now!

Blitz those to do lists you never have time to tackle and you’ll upgrade your business without realising it.

Step 4 – Equip your frontline

Your sales people need strong marketing material. If they’re not comfortable or confident in it, your client or prospect will know. Body language and eye contact speaks volumes.

On the other hand, when sales people live and breathe their marketing tools, they can’t wait to show them off. That’s when you notice stock going down and re-order requests going up.

How about welcoming your sales team (who you’ll depend on now more than ever) back with something slick to get excited about?

Step 5 – Start NOW!

You want to be poised for things starting to move again. But why not start now? Even if people can’t buy from you immediately you can still engage. And if your message is strong, they’ll remember you.

So, those information sheets that’re ready to print and pop into your marketing pack – digitalize them for an e-shot now and hey, how about sticking them in the post as a direct mailer?

Finally, don’t forget about internal marketing collateral. You need to sell your brand on home turf before thinking about getting clients and prospects to buy-in. As your most important assets keep going through lockdown or return post-furlough, speak to them with materials that reflect the new normal.

The power of being proactive is immeasurable.

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